Black Friday Shopping Mania – Fashion Mall Game For Girls By Coco Play TabTale
By Coco Play By TabTale
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What’s your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving? Christmas? Why, it’s BLACK FRIDAY, of course!!! Get psyched – this year, you get to experience Black Friday for as long as you want and enjoy all the new fashion trends! Get ready to shop your heart out at your favorite fashion stores, to take advantage of the hottest sales at the mall, and to get your shop on in this mall world game!!! You crazy shopaholic, you!
Hey there, shopper! Your expert shopping mall skills are finally about to pay off! With this amazing shopaholic Black Friday shopping mall game, you get to shop ‘til you drop at every fashion store in the mall and find the coolest fashion trends. And don’t worry about running out of money – compete in fashion contests to win coins for you to shop with! Read, set, SHOP!