Barbie: Game Girl (Game Boy) Playthrough - NintendoComplete -

Barbie: Game Girl (Game Boy) Playthrough – NintendoComplete

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A playthrough of Hi Tech Expressions’ 1992 license-based platformer for the Nintendo Game Boy, Barbie: Game Girl.

I thought this one might be good for a laugh. It was. It’s very similar to the Barbie NES game, and features everyone’s favorite well-endowed, lethally-anorexic, pink-loving plastic doll advocate for women’s rights. Okay, that was a bit sarcastic there. Oh well. I’m not sure what else I might say for a game that regular displays Barbie saying inane things like, “Gee, what beautiful shoes!”

Barbie, in search of her outfit for the dream date with Ken, has to explore the mall, a soda shop, a music shop for giants (?), and even an underwater shipwreck as Mermaid Barbie! How awesome is that? I’m about to swoon in excitement just thinking about how much I want to be a mermaid princess! *PINK!!!*


If you have a five-year old girl you want to introduce to Barbie or Game Boy (if for some reason you haven’t given her dolls instead), this could work. Nintendo Power liked it well enough. I just can’t help but shake the thought that Barbie is little more than another cultural reflection of outdated attitudes towards women, and that doesn’t work. Not for me at least. And especially not just for the sake of justifying a stupid toy. Oh well. The ACLU can handle this one – I’ve done my part. I played the stupid-ass game.

And I have one incredibly random thought that I’d like to share. The idea of a “Game Girl” for the “Game Boy” instantly reminds me of the old freestyle song “Dream Boy/Dream Girl” by Cynthia and Johnny O. Am I insane? Did that in any way occur to anyone else?

No cheats were used during the recording of this video.

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