13 Scariest Ghost Girl Encounters in Video Games - gaminationstudio.com

13 Scariest Ghost Girl Encounters in Video Games

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In this video we look at 13 scary ghost girls found in video games. Ghost encounters are some of the most commonly used tropes in the horror genre. Videogames have also frequently used ghost encounters to scare players over the years and more specifically ghost girl encounters. Ghost girls became popular horror icons with movies such as the Ring and the Grudge and now many games use them as a terrifying enemy type. In this video we look at 13 of the Scariest Ghost Girls found in video games. So sit back, relax and prepare to get spooked out as we delve into another horror game run down.

Games used in this video: FEAR, Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion, Dark Deception, Home Sweet Home, Fatal Frame 2, Silent Hill 4, Lost in Vivo, Ju On: The Grudge, Dreadout, Bongcheon-Dong Ghost, Pacify, White Day, P.T.

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Music by Kevin MacLeod